I’ve been in a bad place
My heart sad
My soul disgraced
I didn’t know what was pure
What was right.
I didn’t know, I couldn’t fight
That hurt I felt
It cut me through
I didn’t
I couldn’t sleep at night.
Better now
Now I feel rays of warmth
Basking that same soul
In glorious full sunlight.
Now I know
Now I see
The world is mine
It’s all it has to be.
~ Patrice
© Patrice Clarkson – 2016
Really wonderful… i would like to nominate you for the “The Black cat , Blue sea Award”for bloggers..feel free to check my recent post for the same.
Thank you so much for your nomination of the Black Cat, Blue Sea Award! I will post the Award, nominate those I believe to be deserving of it and answer your questions 😀