Dear sweet Ursa is about to pass
Her love, her life has been such a large part
Of my life, my heart.
Don’t want her to go, she can’t stay
Her body’s broken
No more run, no more play.
My heart too is broken, shattered apart
Breaking to lose
This loving, loyal little rott.
I must let her go, let her pass
Her heart, her soul shall rest at last
With those already gone, already pasted.
I love you so, so hard to let go
I must, I must but this I know
You’ll live now forever
Deep inside my heart, beside my soul.
© Patrice Clarkson – 2014
So sorry to her Ursa is not doing well. She has always been a very gentle giant and Bandit and I were privileged to spend time with her on her birthday. My prayers are with you and your family.
You will see her again on the other side.
Love and prayers. Linda
Thank you Linda. Means so much.
Sorry for your loss, she was a special girl.
Thank you for your kind words.
I’m so sorry, Patrice, I haven’t met Ursa, but I will never forget gentle Monty, and how much my Sheena loved him. Hugs going your way……..
Inez & Annie
Thanks so much Inez. Thanks so much.
I too remember sweet Sheena and her strong but gentle ways.