Brilliant disguise
Right in front of my eyes
No fancy dress, no holding up
A tent of darkness .
Just standing there
Looking like a warm, courteous thing
Smile inviting
Beckoning in.
Trusting, I begin to move forward
To be enveloped in
That disguise
That brilliant disguise
That sucked me in.
~ Patrice
© Patrice Clarkson – 2015
Your picture lends understanding to your beautiful poem. My creative mind interprets it to mean a bee busy sucking the nectar of the rose flower who is suddenly drawn to the beautifully woven spider web. A closer look by the bee gets it trapped. Well done.
Thank You!
The funny thing is that I wrote that poem yesterday right after reading the prompt. That’s what ‘Brilliant Disguise’ said to me — yesterday. This morning after preparing to post it, thought, ‘What image of mine depicts this feeling?’ And there was the flower and the spider web. Yes, I agree with you, poor bee trapped by her need for substance and disarmed by an illusion of beauty. Something we all have fallen prey too!
Lovely poem. Great interpretation of your view.
We are taking Blogging 101 together and I just wanted to pop in to make my presence known and to check our your blog. Nicely done.
Thank You 4 Sharing
Happy Blogging and drop by anytime 😉
And I Thank You! for popping in, the comment and the ‘Follow’!!!
Glad to be In-Class with you and am on my way over to your site to do some serious reading – talk later 😀