Try To Judge

Try to judge what is best for you. What makes you happy. Makes your day. I believe this will bring countless miracles into this your life. And those surrounding, loving you. ~ Patrice © Patrice Clarkson – 2012

Sadness Comes And Goes

Sadness comes and goes Strive to feel The pain Then let it go. No use to dwell And ponder Just see it And let it go. It makes you No less It makes you No more. It just makes you The one to love For evermore. ~ Patrice © Patrice Clarkson –...

Snow Falls Coming Lightly Down

Snow falls coming lightly down Melting ‘fore hitting ground Thoughts of pureness flowing down Freezing out illness, blight Softly pushing them far into night Cleansing, keeping warm Cold dark earth on the ground. Snow falls I can see Cleansing too my...