by Patrice Clarkson | Jul 31, 2019 | Poetry
Crises come Monopolizing the mind The spirit Everything in the universe Anything Not tied down tight. What has happened? Why? No answers come Questions only They hang in the frigid, cold Unforgiving sky. Do your best Do what’s correct What’s right Maybe...
by Patrice Clarkson | Mar 11, 2019 | My Musings, Poetry
Hearing words in my head They tell of times past Then Sometimes things ahead ‘Listen Listen well’ Is what they said ‘For in telling, we give you A chance to know Know how to deal with What has happened And what is still ahead’. ~ Patrice...
by Patrice Clarkson | Feb 20, 2019 | Poetry
The farther I go The farther away I get from What has happened Yesterday. Seeking no remorse Nothing to say All is in the past That I did Yesterday. Maybe tomorrow When I’m farther away Maybe then I’ll understand the past All that happened Yesterday. ~...
by Patrice Clarkson | Dec 1, 2016 | My Musings, Poetry
What has happened To the day, the month And the year? It has been here Now gone on its way Becoming nothing more Than yesterday. Seeking to see tomorrow I lost sight of today Where I had hoped to live Everyday. Realizing it only When I looked back To see yesterday...