I Haven’t Got The Answer

I haven’t got the answer Don’t know what is the fight But standing, hands on hips Feet planted on the ground Ready to fight and stand Stand my ground. Fight for What I know is good And what I know is right Guess that’s my answer Guess that’s my...

Feeling The Waves Of Magnitude

Feeling waves of magnitude Washing thru me Smacking in the face as it Crashes over me. Washing down to the ground Ebbing back, coming forward With sounds of thunder Hitting high above and below me. Stand, stand my ground Wait til it dies down Wth no more crashing All...

A Doormat I Will No Longer Be

A doormat I will no longer be Steeped in anger where Frustration does abound This is the time to stand Stand my ground. Let no one push Push me around No need to fight bicker or respite Just nicely say No, this is not the way. I won’t be intimidated anymore...