Hearing All The Noises

Hearing all the noises Bashing in my head No time to see the goodness Only misery, loneliness and dread. Honestly don’t know What became of my lighthearted soul Mired down in stress Burdened with things as dark as coal. No one will help me out No one really...

I Do Wonder

I do wonder what would happen If I didn’t tell the truth Mired down in anguish I’d may only say half truths. Please tell me I wouldn’t Please tell me I would Be above and aloof All the lies lying there No where near the absolute My absolute truth. ~...

Subtly Is No Form Of Action

Subtly is no form of action to take When understanding pleasures needed To make a heart full of happiness Once mired down in toxins, felt like no escape In a future yet to happen That which, that which I make. ~ Patrice © Patrice Clarkson –...