Last Day Of A Time

Last day of a time gone thru When everything’s done Came back lived by me, by you. Looking forward to days ahead Not back at neither sorrow or dread Only joy, “Remember it” she said. Bring it forward to this New Year Live it to the fullest With...

This Day, This Day Is About To Be

This day, this day is about to be Whether happiness, heartache it will be Greet it with joy Greet it with ecstasy. For the next day, tomorrow May never be You see this may be, the last day The last day you see. ~ Patrice © Patrice Clarkson –...

Imagine Today Is Your Last Day

        Imagine Today is your last day. What would you say? Where would you go? What would you see? Would it be beauty Or misery? I don’t know Can’t see But hope I’d make it The best day to last me An eternity. ~ Patrice  ...