Found The Reason

I haven’t found the reason Why I cry I cry Nothing seems to stop it Hold it back My world is lovely Yet I always come back To that. Maybe in the past Somewhere In a life I lived A life that didn’t last I’ll find the reason The reason will be answered...

Heartfelt Heartache

Heartfelt heartache Bleeding me dry Remorse Smouldering As I cry. No cruel words Need to be said For flags of submission Can be seen Flying overhead. I’m on a downward Roll-a-coaster slide Out of control Bleeding As I die. ~ Patrice © Patrice Clarkson –...

Things Happen

Things happen I don’t know why Placing me in places Sometimes sad Sometimes I even cry. Then the heavens open up Raining down Blessings warm and bountiful Covering everything Everything all around. ~ Patrice Patrice Clarkson –...

I Cry, So I Cry

I feel the heaven and the lie I know the answer I sigh Nothing is respectful Nor is it what I need to know I cry So I cry. I see the heaven I see the ocean’s die I am part of the earth Scotched, bleeding dry That’s why, that’s when I cry So I cry ~...

When Everything Is Obscure

        When everything is obscure Upside down In the loo How can I think Pleasant thoughts Laugh or cry with hilarity? Nope Not happening Crushed, lonely I trudge ahead Feeling chains Of impending dread A smile cannot cross My doomed face All joy...