A Plan

Putting together A plan Making it work Making it grand. Don’t know The outcome Don’t know the path I must take. Only thing I know I have a plan And it is great Grandiose and grand. ~ Patrice © Patrice Clarkson –...

Let Me Settle Down

Let me settle down My anger now is very, very profound. You took a life, meant nothing to you Just something in your way With a swipe, you took a life away Didn’t miss a stride nor did your heart skip a beat You went on like nothing bad marked your soul Or was...

Slowly, Softly The Fog Dissipates

Slowly, softly the fog dissipates Leaving beneath me A breathtaking land of Oh so much rare beauty. In this grand, lovely land Is a dream where I could exist Bringing to my life a magic I shouldn’t nor can resist. Come join me there In this wonderland I love...