I Live In The Past

I live in the past I see those days I hear that heartbeat Unable to make Those old thoughts Go away. But Not all sadness I feel For joy and gladness Support me today I know I had, had it all In the life I lived Yesterday. ~ Patrice © Patrice Clarkson –...

It’s Cold, It Blows

It’s cold, it blows It doesn’t seem to want To go away. It strikes my heart Piercing all that’s warm Freezing it today. No pleading, crying Can make it melt Becoming rain on a sunny day. No, it’s cold It blows all thoughts Of lovely spring...

Make The Mess Go Away

          Make the mess go away No sputter, no delay Cast it out Cause it will decay All thats good. And betray a love That loves in this The coming day. Make it Make it go away . ~ Patrice     © Patrice Clarkson –...