Teddy Bear Green ~ Photo by Patrice

Oh Teddy Bear Green what have you seen?
The ups and downs, the lows, the highs.

Oh Teddy Bear Green what has become
Of the love we knew when we were young?

Oh Teddy Bear Green I held you close
You held my heart.

Oh Teddy Bear Green my secrets told
To your listening ways
Not a peep was said no trust betrayed.

Oh Teddy Bear Green
When I fell you cushioned me
When I feared you stood between.

Oh Teddy Bear Green you comforted me
When no one else seemed to care
You helped me, you’ve always been there.

Oh Teddy Bear Green have I become
The one you saw and guided me to be?

Oh Teddy Bear Green what secrets are kept
Beneath that loving Teddy Bear?

Oh Teddy Bear Green
~ Patrice

© Patrice Clarkson – 2014