This is the second part of what I experienced travelling the back gravel roads.
It was something very special.

The fawn walked slowly towards his mom. Wondered if he had been hit, but as I watched him, he seemed to move fine.

His mom was so beside herself. She was a true mom. Her whole presence showed she was desperately trying to get her baby to safety. To get him into the woods, off the road, away from this terror where he could die. Knowing also if she stayed, she too could perish. The horrible dilemma she was in was oblivious.

The fawn was closer to her now and she moved off the road into the grass, then came back out. The fawn ran a bit. I moved slowly ahead then stopped at a safe distance so as not to panic the mom.

She was in the woods, then back out to the grass, to the edge of the road, back to the grass, the woods, the road. The fawn moved closer and closer to her. She disappeared into the woods, the fawn into the grass.
– To be continued

~ Patrice

© Patrice Clarkson – 2012